Borough Departments, Staff and other Contacts
Get to Know Us
Paula Johnson
Borough Manager/Treasurer/Open Records Officer
Paula Johnson serves as Borough Manager and Secretary. The Manager is responsible for the day to day operations of the borough including payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, budget reconciliation, grants administration, preparation of monthly and annual financial statements, cash receipts and disbursements, purchasing/purchase order processing, preparation of bill lists, processing checks for payments to vendors, invoicing for Borough services, employee benefits, pension, insurance, escrow accounts, and the billing/collections for 1,200 trash accounts. Borough Council appoints an accounting firm to audit all financial transactions processed by Borough staff. Paula also reviews and archives the minutes of Council, Planning Commission, Zoning Hearing Board, and Historical Architectural Review Board (HARB) public meetings; and, communicates with residents via social media, and edits the Borough Newsletter.
Wes Foraker
Code Enforcement Officer Emergency Management Coordinator
Wes Foraker is the Borough's Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC). The EMC prepares the Borough's Emergency Operations Plan, which is designed to mitigate the effects of catastrophic man-made or natural events. The EMC also coordinates the emergency response to such events and advises the Borough administration and elected officials on the proper actions necessary to safeguard the lives and property of the citizens of the community. Wes is also the Borough’s Code Enforcement Officer (CEO) and administers and enforces the Yardley Borough Code of Ordinances, as well as the Borough's Property Maintenance Code. The Code Enforcement Officer also administers and enforces locally adopted health and nuisance standards. All inspections performed are to insure that buildings and properties throughout the Borough are in compliance with the codes and ordinances adopted by Borough Council. His duty also includes Use & Occupancy inspections. Wes is available part-time. Please call 215-493-6832 to make an appointment with the CEO.
Jeff Mahon
Building Code Official/Building Inspector (Barry Isett & Associates)
Jeff Mahon is the Borough's Building Code Official (BCO) who administers and enforces the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code; including, building, fire, electrical, plumbing, accessibility, and mechanical codes. His duties include construction plan reviews and on-site inspections. Please call the following numbers to make an appointment or schedule an inspection. 215-493-2960 to make an appointment with the BCO. To arrange for an inspection, you can also call 610-723-7719.
Ken Smith
Public Works Contractor (Ken’s Lawn Service)
Ken Smith is the Borough’s Public Works Contractor. He coordinates the Borough's public property maintenance and is responsible for maintenance of Borough-owned streets, directional, traffic control and street identification signs on Borough streets, traffic striping on Borough and some state roadways, snow plowing of Borough parking lots/ snow removal and ice control, and maintenance and repair of all Borough-owned buildings, open space and parks.
Joseph D. Kelly III
Chief of Police
Joseph D. Kelly III is the Chief of Police and oversees the Yardley Borough Police Department which consists of one Sergeant, one full time Officer, and eleven part time officers. The Police Department is tasked to safeguard people and property through the enforcement of local and State laws and ordinances with a committed group of officers who value community partnerships, foster public trust and respect and providing services to enhance the quality of life. Chief Kelly oversees all functions within the police department, to include; operational oversight, staffing, budget adherence, allocation of resources and officer development.
Mary Ann McLean
Recording Secretary and RTK Assistant
The Recording Secretary is the Recording Secretary who keeps a full and accurate record of all proceedings of Borough Council, Zoning Hearing Board, and Planning Commission meetings. Attends all of these meetings, takes minutes of each meeting, and provides the Borough Manager’s office with copies of all official minutes, and attachments, so they can be submitted to each board and commission for review, approval and subsequent archiving.
Patty Sargent
Financial Assistant
Patty is the Borough’s Financial Assistant. She processes accounts payable and receivable for the Borough. She maintains and bills resident trash accounts that include generating trash certifications for residents preparing to move. She also assists with the manager by answer phones and resident questions.
Full-time Police Officers
William J. Golden II
Charlie Gillock
Adam Clark
Jake Kulchinsky
Joseph Martin
Patrick Foley PE
Borough Engineer (Remington, Vernick & Beach Engineers)
Earnest Closser, ESQ
Borough Solicitor (Curtin & Heefner LLP)
Bee Bergvall & Co.
Jon Barry Dinola
Deputy Emergency Management
Christine Ventresca taxcollector@yardleyboro.com
Tax Collector 267-793-0526